

Keusote, Kotoutuminen, Sosiaali ja terveys, Terveys

New text-to-speech and translation features available on the Keusote website!

Keusote website now has text-to-speech and translation features from ReadSpeaker accessibility solutions.

ReadSpeaker’s text-to-speech and translation features makes the Keusote online content more accessible, especially for foreign-language speakers and people with dyslexia, learning disabilities, and vision impairment. These technologies are also useful for anyone who prefers to listen to text rather than read it.

The translation feature enables you to translate a selected text to another language and then have the text read in Arabic, Chinese, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Latvian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian or Vietnamese.

With the text-to-speech feature, you can listen to the web content in Finnish, English and Swedish with just one click, regardless of device and location. You do not need to download any additional software.

The translation feature uses Google Translate, so please keep in mind that the translations are not perfect and may contain errors, and for this reason, they are not substitutes for translations made by professional translators.

“We wanted to make it easier for our foreign-language population to access information and use our health and social services by introducing translated web content and text-to-speech and translation features,” says Larissa Franz-Koivisto, Adult Social Work Manager from Keusote’s Immigrant Services.

More information: Service for immigrants

There is also a special website for immigrants, which includes information about services provided by local authorities in Finnish and English: https://www.maspa.fi/en


Approximately 200,000 people live in the Central Uusimaa welfare area (Keusote-area), of which circa 13,000 are non-native speakers. The Keusote-welfare area includes the municipalities of Hyvinkää, Järvenpää, Mäntsälä, Nurmijärvi, Pornainen and Tuusula. The aim of Keusote-reform is to improve the accessibility of social and health services for the non-speaking population of the welfare area, to make it easier for inhabitants to navigate the services, and to provide service while reducing the amount of incorrect contacting.


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